EX318: Configure Storage

  • Data Domain
    • for OVF / virtual machine files
    • snapshots
    • cannot be shared across DC's
  • Export Domain
    • copy and move images between DC's
    • VM backups
    • can be moved between DC's
  • ISO Domain
    • can be shared across DC's

To add storage domains, one host (for the SPM) must be up

EX318: Create Data Centers and Clusters

There's really nothing to it other than using the web admin portal to configure data centers and clusters. A couple of things worth noting are:

1. the storage type cannot be altered after the data storage domain is added to the data center.
2. during installation, it will prompt you to "configure default storage type". This is for the default data center only.

RH442: Install Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and any dependencies

after a fresh install of RHEL 6.4, make sure that it is up to date:

[root@rhevm ~]# yum -y update

register the machine to rhn:

[root@rhevm ~]# rhn_register -v --nox
[root@rhevm ~]# rhn-channel --add --channel=rhel-x86_64-server-supplementary-6 
[root@rhevm ~]# rhn-channel --add --channel=rhel-x86_64-server-6-rhevm-3.1 
[root@rhevm ~]# rhn-channel --add --channel=jbappplatform-6-x86_64-server-6-rpm

or if you have a bad memory like me, you can configure the child channels via rhn web:
Additional Services Channels for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for x86_64
 + Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager (label: rhel-x86_64-server-6-rhevm-3.1)
Release Channels for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for x86_64
 + RHEL Server Supplementary (label: rhel-x86_64-server-supplementary-6)
 + Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor (v.6 x86_64) (label: rhel-x86_64-server-6-rhevh)
Additional Services Channels for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for x86_64
 + JBoss Application Platform (v 6) for 6Server x86_64 (label: jbappplatform-6-x86_64-server-6-rpm)

proceed with the installation:

[root@rhevm ~]# yum install rhevm

[root@rhevm ~]# rhevm-setup
Welcome to RHEV Manager setup utility

In order to proceed the installer must stop the ovirt-engine service
Would you like to stop the ovirt-engine service? (yes|no): yes
Stopping ovirt-engine service... RHEV Manager uses httpd to proxy requests to the application server.
It looks like the httpd installed locally is being actively used.
The installer can override current configuration .
Alternatively you can use JBoss directly (on ports higher than 1024)
Do you wish to override current httpd configuration and restart the service? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] : yes
HTTP Port  [80] :
HTTPS Port  [443] :
Host fully qualified domain name. Note: this name should be fully resolvable  [rhevm.example.com] :
Enter a password for an internal RHEV Manager administrator user (admin@internal) :
Confirm password :
Organization Name for the Certificate  [example.com] :
The default storage type you will be using  ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI'| 'POSIXFS']  [NFS] :
Enter DB type for installation ['remote'| 'local']  [local] :
Enter a password for a local RHEV Manager DB admin user (engine) :
Confirm password :
Configure NFS share on this server to be used as an ISO Domain? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] : no
Firewall ports need to be opened.
The installer can configure iptables automatically overriding the current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.
Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example iptables file found under /etc/ovirt-engine/iptables.example
Configure iptables ? ['yes'| 'no']: yes

RHEV Manager will be installed using the following configuration:
override-httpd-config:         yes
http-port:                     80
https-port:                    443
host-fqdn:                     rhevm.example.com
auth-pass:                     ********
org-name:                      example.com
default-dc-type:               NFS
db-remote-install:             local
db-local-pass:                 ********
config-nfs:                    no
override-iptables:             yes
Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes

Configuring RHEV Manager...                              [ DONE ]
Configuring JVM...                                       [ DONE ]
Creating CA...                                           [ DONE ]
Updating ovirt-engine service...                         [ DONE ]
Setting Database Configuration...                        [ DONE ]
Setting Database Security...                             [ DONE ]
Creating Database...                                     [ DONE ]
Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type...         [ DONE ]
Editing RHEV Manager Configuration...                    [ DONE ]
Editing Postgresql Configuration...                      [ DONE ]
Configuring Firewall (iptables)...                       [ DONE ]
Starting ovirt-engine Service...                         [ DONE ]
Configuring HTTPD...                                     [ DONE ]

 **** Installation completed successfully ******

     (Please allow RHEV Manager a few moments to start up.....)

**** To access RHEV Manager browse to http://rhevm.example.com:80 ****

Additional information:
 * There are less than 4096 MBs of available free memory on this machine.
It is  recommended to have at least 4096 MBs of available memory to run the RHEV Manager.
 * RHEV Manager CA SSL Certificate SHA1 fingerprint: 7D:AD:3D:60:3F:A9:06:1B:25:C0:5F:CB:0F:F5:8E:83:43:78:E1:A7
 * SSH Public key fingerprint: 3a:50:f3:2e:35:9d:27:9f:61:57:a8:21:2e:15:c1:dd
 * The firewall has been updated, the old iptables configuration file was saved to /var/lib/ovirt-engine/backups/iptables.backup.224526-04292013_12579
 * The installation log file is available at: /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine-setup_2013_04_29_22_43_35.log
 * Please use the user "admin" and password specified in order to login into RHEV Manager
 * To configure additional users, first configure authentication domains using the 'rhevm-manage-domains' utility
[root@rhevm ~]#

make sure that ntp is configured and enabled now rather than later:

[root@rhevm ~]# date
Tue Apr 30 06:40:13 SGT 2013

(add the ip address of the ntp server in /etc/ntp.conf, then do service ntpd restart) 

[root@rhevm ~]# ntpdate -u
29 Apr 22:40:20 ntpdate[10834]: step time server offset -28799.113410 sec
[root@rhevm ~]# date
Mon Apr 29 22:40:23 SGT 2013
[root@rhevm ~]# service ntpd start
Starting ntpd:                                             [  OK  ]
[root@rhevm ~]# chkconfig ntpd on
[root@rhevm ~]# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 rhel-ds.example LOCAL(0)        11 u   40   64    3    1.624   53.672 2879917

[root@rhevm ~]# rhevm-manage-domains -action=add -domain=example.com -provider=IPA -user=admin -interactive
Enter password:

The domain example.com has been added to the engine as an authentication source but no users from that domain have been granted permissions within the oVirt Manager.
Users from this domain can be granted permissions from the Web administration interface.
oVirt Engine restart is required in order for the changes to take place (service ovirt-engine restart).
Manage Domains completed successfully

[root@rhevm ~]# service ovirt-engine restart
Stopping engine-service: [  OK  ]
Starting engine-service: [  OK  ]